Rebuilt Story
With our products we strive to minimise the use of resources over the entire product life cycle and we act responsibly when it comes to the purchase of raw materials to ensure sustainability.
We feel strongly connected to our homeland and it is important for us to manufacture our products here as well. Our portfolio meanwhile covers over 1,500 different products suitable for nearly all providers available on the European market.
The following numbers of cartridges, which would otherwise have polluted the environment,
were given a second life by our toners and inks.
Number of cartridges:
The use of empty toners and inks prevents significant amounts of waste that would otherwise harm our environment.
By remanufacturing original cartridges we have saved the following amounts of CO2.
CO2 savings (kg)
Due to the reprocessing of original toner cartridges and ink cartridges in our plants in Germany, significant amounts of CO2 emissions, which would otherwise be produced during the production of new cartridges in the Far East, are saved.
By using our inks and toners, the following amount of crude oil could be saved.
Oil savings (kg)
By using the original cartridges several times, we contribute to the conservation of stock of the valuable raw material oil.
By using our wta products, the following amounts of plastic have not ended up in landfill.
Plastic savings (kg)
The use of empty toners and inks prevents significant amounts of waste that would otherwise harm our/the environment.
The total data refers to the period of time since the company has been established.
Get your own picture of the wta Carsten Weser GmbH in our video presentation.

Carsten Weser
“Made in Germany is not an empty slogan for us but a promise.”